
 'Reading is important because if you can read, you can learn anything about everything and everything about anything.' - Tomie dePaola

At Walliscote Primary School, the curriculum for reading is delivered so that each child becomes an enthusiastic reader. Children are taught the appropriate strategies in reading including phonics skills, word recognition and the use of picture and contextual cues to develop comprehension skills and increase independence when reading for enjoyment.

This aspiration for each of our children is based upon the need for them to enter the world of work as articulate and literate individuals with a strong love of reading. We recognise the responsibility to send children to secondary school with the necessary skills and confidence to engage with all text types. We aim to ensure that all children have the chance to follow an enriching curriculum by getting them reading early. Competence in reading is the key to independent learning and has a direct effect on progress in all other areas of the curriculum.

We want our children to be 'readers', not just children who can read.


Reading at Walliscote 

Children at Walliscote start their reading journey by enjoying a range of decodable readers from the Big Cat Collins Scheme. These are carefully matched to the children's phonic level. Once phonic knowledge is embedded, children will enjoy a wider variety of schemes.  Our schemes used are from Nelson PM Books, Rigby Star Lighthouse,
Storyworlds and Collins Big Cat. There are fiction and non-fiction books within each level and children are encouraged to also select books for pleasure from their classrooms.

Children will receive a daily diet of high quality children's literature through reading and writing sessions within class. 

The Phonics into Early Spelling programme is run in school to teach phonics, with
Jolly Phonics to support the teaching of it.