Newsletters for translation
September 2018
Dear Parents / Carers
Welcome back to everyone. I hope that you all had a wonderful summer and are rested and raring to go! I would like to say a big hello to all of our new children and their families, welcome to Walliscote. Staff have thoroughly enjoyed meeting you all during this week’s visits and look forward to getting to know your children over the next few weeks. I would also like to welcome two new members of staff—Mrs Stacey our new Deputy Headteacher and Mrs Challenor, Reception class teacher. Please give them a warm smile if you see them around the school. We were very busy over the summer holidays painting the school hall and updating the playground. A massive thank you to Mr Tansley, our school caretaker and Weston Support Services for undertaking what was, without doubt, a massive job. The children have all been enjoying the new equipment and painted games in the playground which I am sure you will agree, help
create a more positive environment at playtimes and lunchtimes. We had a really successful year last year in all areas of school life and we are looking to continue to develop our school over the next academic year. Home support with this is vital to ensure that our children really do make the best possible progress in their learning. In response to the parent questionnaire, we will be creating more opportunities for you to come into school and share in your child’s many learning adventures and successes. To support this we are moving our Friday celebration assembly to the afternoon. If your child is to receive a Heads Hero certificate they will come home on the Thursday wearing a sticker inviting you to join us for the assembly on the
following day. It would be lovely if either you, another family member or friend could come into school for 2.15pm on the Friday to have a cup of tea and share in this special assembly with your child. I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible in school.
On Thursday 20th September at 9.00am we will be holding a coffee morning in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support. All the children will be involved in making or decorating cakes and we would love it if you could pop in for a cup of tea or coffee and a cake in exchange for a small donation in support of this very worthwhile charity.
Included with this newsletter is our term dates for this year. Please note that due to circumstances beyond our control, we have had to change one of the INSET days from Friday April 5th 2019 to Monday January 7th 2019. We are very sorry about this, but have given you as much notice as possible regarding the change.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact any of the Senior Leadership Team. If you are not able to catch us in the playground in the mornings, you can always leave a message with the office and one of us will get back to you.
Mrs Gail Matter
Acting Headteacher
In line with our school vision “An Inspirational School for Aspirational Learning” we have decided to name our classes after Inspirational people. The children will be learning about these people and their impact and influence on the world. Please ask your child to tell you about their class person and what they achieved during their lifetime. You will notice that each phase has a theme to link all of the classes together.
Class Names
EYFS (Space)
Miss Bishop: Neil Armstrong
Mrs Challenor: Buzz Aldrin
Year1/2 (Medical)
Miss Davies: Florence Nightingale
Miss Grist: Mary Seacole
Mrs Derry & Miss Woodrow: Professor Christiaan Barnard
Year3/4 (Sports)
Mr Martin: Owens
Miss Smith: Cooper
Mr Morris: Ruth
Year5/6 (Science)
Miss Kilvington: Alan Turing
Mrs Giddings: Leonardo DaVinci
Mr Russell: Marie Curie
School Meals: We will be continuing to ask the children to choose their school meal in the mornings. If you would like to discuss the meal choices with your child, please collect a copy of the menu from the office. They will then be issued with a sticker that will tell the lunchtime staff what each child has chosen for lunch. This will mean that the cook is able to prepare the required amount of meals, hopefully reducing food waste. Chartwells are now offering freshly made Baps or rolls as an alternative choice at lunchtimes. These will be filled with a choice of savoury fillings such as ham, cheese, egg or tuna. If you would like to talk through the meal choices each day, please collect a menu from the school office or download one from our website. The cost of a school meal is £2.00 per day or £10.00 for the week.
Please can we remind you that we are a nut free school as we have children and staff with severe nut allergies. Please check all packaging very carefully—this also applies to all school trips.
Friday 14th September - No School Uniform Day for all children in exchange for a donation towards the ELAN Beach Hut. As a group of schools within Extend Learning Academy Network, we have rented one of the Beach Huts along the seafront. This enables classes or groups to use it as a base when visiting the seafront.
Thursday 20th September 2018 - Please come and join us for a cup of tea or coffee and a cake in support of Macmillan Cancer. Any remaining cakes will be sold after our Celebration
Assembly on Friday 21st September. Please come and join us!
Reminder PE Kits: Taking part in PE is hugely important for the development of health, fitness and collaboration skills. It is essential that your child has their PE kit in school everyday so they are ready to participate fully in lessons.
Attendance and Term-Time Holidays: We recognise the importance of regular attendance as a key factor in our pupils’ achievement. It is essential that parents work in partnership with the school and understand that term time holidays have a detrimental effect on their children’s education. We do not authorise any term time absences for holidays and will only authorise an absence in exceptional circumstances. All such unauthorised absences could be referred to the Local Authority Education Welfare Department for issue of a Fixed Penalty fine. It is parents responsibility to notify the school in the event of a child’s absence. This needs to be done each day by 9.30am either in person, by telephone (01934 621954) or via email ( Recently many parents have failed to do this. If we do not receive notification as to the reason for absence your child will be recorded as having an unauthorised absence.
Mrs Gill Whiddett: Attendance Officer
Dates for Your Diary
Friday 14th September: No School Uniform for ELAN Beach Hut
Wednesday 19th September: KS1 WOW day— Year 1 & 2 are invited to come to school dressed like a pirate ‘Arrr!’
Thursday 20th September: Coffee Morning in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support
Tuesday 25th September: Year 1 and 2 off to the Farm
Tuesday 16th October: Parents evening
Wednesday 17th October: Parents evening
Tuesday 23rd October: Trenches Evening
Thursday 25th October: Last day of Term 1
Friday 26th October: INSET day. School closed for children
Wednesday 28th November: Individual School Photos
Walliscote Primary School May 2018
Dear Parents / Carers
I can’t believe we are almost at the end of term 5. May always seems to be the SAT month. Both year 6 and year 2 have been working hard to showcase their learning. The year 6 were incredibly calm and confident and had a “bring it on” attitude and I cannot praise them enough for all their hard work and dedication. I am sure this will be reflected in the progress they have made. A big well done to both the year 6 and the year 2 team. I would also like to extend a very warm welcome to all the families whose children will be joining us in Reception in September. It was lovely meeting everybody at the welcome meeting on Wednesday and seeing both familiar and new faces. Last week (14th—18th May 2018) was Sun Awareness Week and we talked to the children about this in assembly. Eight out of ten people are failing to adequately apply sunscreen before going out in the sun according to a survey carried out by the British Association of Dermatologists. This year BAD are inviting us to tie on our apron and get baking for the UK's first ever 'Don't Bake' Bake. People from across the country will be busy mixing-up a whole range of tasty treats instead of baking themselves in the sun. Maybe this is something you might get involved in at home over the half term holiday and we would love to see any pictures of your creations. Also please remember to send your children to school with a hat, suncream and a filled water bottle, especially as the weather warms up. Have a restful half term break and I look forward to seeing everyone in term 6 and all the fantastic events that will be taking place. Mrs Gail Matter Acting Headteacher
Calling all parents: We are looking for support in getting a child to school who lives around the Marine Lake area. If you feel you could help, for example walking to school together, please could you get in touch. Help Needed: Our Pastoral Team are looking for any toy trains or cars to support activities in this room. If you have any in good condition that you would be willing to donate, please speak to Mrs Burns or Miss Whiddett.
Staffing for Next Year: EYFS Miss Bishop (Phase Leader), New member of staff. Year1/2 Mrs Derry (Phase Leader), Miss Woodrow, Miss Davies, Mr Clements, Miss Grist. Year3/4 Mr Martin (Phase Leader), Miss Smith, Mr Morris. Year5/6 Miss Kilvington (Phase Leader), Mrs Giddings, Mr Russell.
Learning Round Up: EYFS: Reception children had an amazing time on their trip to Yeo Valley farm. We got to see how the cows are looked after and learn about all the different products that are made from milk. KS1: It has been a very busy term for year 1/2. We started with a fun filled trip to the seaquarium. We are growing vegetables and have made scarecrows to keep all the seagulls away. Year 1 have been joined by some snails as part of their Snail and the Whale topic. Year 3/4: Year 3/4 are currently learning how to play the ukulele and have a drumming workshop earlier this. Last week, Year 3/4Bi were lucky enough to have visitors all the way from Japan to teach then origami. The children thoroughly enjoyed learning this skill and were very proud of their creations.
School Meals: During term 6 we will be asking children to choose their school meal choice in the mornings. They will then be issued with a sticker that will tell the lunchtime staff what each child has chosen for lunch. This will mean that the cook is able to prepare the required amount of meals, hopefully reducing food waste. Chartwells will also be offering freshly made Baps or rolls as an alternative choice at lunchtimes. These will be filled with a choice of savoury fillings such as ham, cheese, egg or tuna. If you would like to talk through the meal choices each day, please collect a menu from the school office or download one from our website. The cost of a school meal is £2.00 per day or £10.00 for the week. Look out for the themed menus on offer in June. Please speak to the school office if you would like your child to have school meals. Please can we remind you that we are a nut free school as we have children and staff with severe nut allergies.
Attendance and Term-Time Holidays: Walliscote is a good school (OFSTED 2014) and we recognise the importance of regular attendance as a key factor in our pupils’ achievement. It is essential that parents work in partnership with the school and understand that term time holidays have a detrimental effect on their children’s education. We do not authorise any term time absences for holidays and will only authorise an absence in exceptional circumstances. All such unauthorised absences could be referred to the Local Authority Education Welfare Department for issue of a Fixed Penalty fine. It is parents responsibility to notify the school in the event of a child’s absence. This needs to be done each day by 9.30am either in person, by telephone (01934 621954) or via email ( Recently many parents have failed to do this. If we do not receive notification as to the reason for absence your child will be recorded as having an unauthorised absence. Well done to Y1/2Da the class with the highest attendance for April. RM— 89.29%. RJ—96.59%. Y1/2 Cl—96.13%. Y1/2Da—97.83%. Y1/2DW—97.19%. Y3/4R— 95.09%. Y3/4Ru –96.13%. Y3/4Bi— 93.36%. Y5/6Mo—87.83%. Y5/6K— 94.12%. Y5/6G—96.34%.
Class assemblies: 24th May: Mr Russell, 21st June: Reception classes, 22nd June: Miss Davies, 28th June: Mr Morris, 29th June: Mr Clements, 3rd July: Mrs Derry & Miss Woodrow, 5th July: Mrs Grist, 6th July: Mr Rutterford, 12th July: Mrs Smith.
Dates for the Diary: Friday 25th May: Last day of Term 5, Monday 4th June: Back to school. Thursday 14th June: KS1/KS2 Rounders Event. Friday 15th June: Class Photos. Wednesday 20th June: Provisional Sports Day. More details to follow. Wednesday 27th June: Y6 Lifeskills. Thursday 28th/Friday 29th June: Y6 Professor Fluffy, Tuesday 3rd July: Y6 transition Day for Hans Price, Worle, Priory and Broadoak Secondary Schools. Friday 6th July: Walliscote Summer Fayre. Wednesday 11th July: Y6 Production (times to be confirmed.). Wednesday 11th July: Reception/Key Stage 1 Picnic on the Beach. Friday 13th July: Reports out to Parents. Thursday 19th July: Y6 Leavers Event (more information to follow). Friday 20th July: Last day of term (INSET days Monday 23rd and Tuesday 24th July). Tuesday 4th September: First day back for children (Monday 3rd September INSET day).
Together at Walliscote Primary School, we challenge children to be high achieving learners, inspired by a creative, aspirational curriculum in an inclusive, safe and caring community.
Walliscote Primary School April 2018
Dear Parents / Carers Welcome back to term 5. It has been lovely to enjoy some recent sunshine, a welcome break from the endless winter weather we have been experiencing. Do we dare to hope that summer is on the way? The first few weeks have been really busy in school and the children have been working incredibly hard, especially those in year 2 and year 6 who are preparing themselves for SATs. Thank you to everyone who attended Parents evening this week. It was lovely to see so many proud parents after conversations with the class teachers. Thank you also to everybody who took the time to complete a parent questionnaire. We are busy collating all the responses and looking at your suggestions to see how we can make our school even better. If you did not get chance a to complete a questionnaire, please feel free to download one from our school website or pick up a copy from the school office. I will share the outcomes from the questionnaire with you on the next newsletter. Don’t forget our ‘Wednesday Reading’ sessions where you have the opportunity to share a book with your child or children. Doors open at 2.55pm every Wednesday, so we look forward to seeing as many Mums, Dads, Grandparents, Aunties and Uncles as possible. To celebrate International School Meal’s Day in March, The Grand Pier challenged pupils at Walliscote Primary School to put down on paper, in the form of drawings, poems or short articles, their thoughts on what food(s) they love, and why. Jeff Milliner, the new Head Chef of the Grand Pier, cast his expert eye over the entries during the school Easter holidays, and chose the winner. I am very proud to say that this was won by Connor Palmer—Leigh from Mr Russell’s class. As a result he has won the whole class a free lunch on the iconic seafront landmark, which will take place later this term. Well done Connor, this is a fantastic achievement! Have a lovely weekend. Mrs Gail Matter Acting Headteacher
Welcome: We would like to extend a warm welcome to Mrs Mandy Davies who has joined our school team. She will be working in the school office alongside Mrs Zahiri, so I am sure many of you will get to say hello over the coming weeks, either in person or over the telephone. Calling all parents: We are looking for support in getting a child to school who lives around the Marine Lake area. If you feel you could help, for example walking to school together, please could you get in touch. Parking : North Somerset Council have given us the use of the car park in Carlton Street for 15 minutes at the beginning and end of the school day. If you would like to use the car park please come and collect a compliment slip from the school office and display this on the car dashboard. We ask that parents and carers are considerate and respectful to our neighbours and there is no need for anyone to use their forecourts and driveways. Thank you for your consideration. PTA Fundraising Event: Look out for Smartie tubes heading your way next week. Please fill the tubes with as many coins as possible (once the smarties have been eaten) and return to school. Help Needed: Reception need any extra clothes for children that may need to be changed during the day. Any donations of out grown school uniform or underwear would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. The Early Years Team Sport Update: Yr 5/6 Archery – On Thursday 19th April 4 year 5 and 6 children travelled to Failand Sports Ground to attend an Archery festival with schools from North Somerset. The children were there all day and competed with a positive attitude. They came third out of all the schools and received a medal each. Well done. MAT Football Event - On Tuesday 24th April we welcomed, for the first time, all MAT schools to bring six Year 2 children to attend a sporting event at Walliscote Primary School. This included; Oldmixon, Bournville, Milton Park, Locking, Windwhistle and Meadvale Primary School. Our aim was to integrate all of the children, play an active sport and have fun. We certainly did have fun, regardless of the rain, with all the children joining in, making new friends and having a fantastic, can do attitude. We look forward to the next MAT event. Yr 3/4 Open Archery Event- On Wednesday 25th April, four Year 3/4 children travelled to St Kathrines School in Bristol to attend an Open Archery Event with schools from North Somerset. The children were there all morning and took part in three disciplines of archery plus a bonus game of laser shooting. All the children thoroughly enjoyed themselves and represented Walliscote perfectly. Well done! School Meals: From Monday 9th April 2018, a new company, Chartwells, has been providing our school lunches. The cost of a meal is now less expensive at £2.00 per day/ £10.00 per week. Please see our website or ask in the office for a copy of the new menu. Please can we remind you that we are a nut free school as we have children and staff with severe nut allergies. Attendance and Term-Time Holidays: Walliscote is a good school (OFSTED 2014) and we recognise the importance of regular attendance as a key factor in our pupils’ achievement. It is therefore essential that parents work in partnership with the school and understand that term time holidays have a detrimental effect on their children’s education. A child with 90% attendance at the end of the school year will have missed ½ a day per week and that is equivalent to 4 weeks absence. Greater attention is now paid to overall absence by the Department for Education and by OFSTED. Therefore we do not authorise any term time absences for holidays and will only authorise an absence in exceptional circumstances. All such unauthorised absences could be referred to the Local Authority Education Welfare Department for issue of a Fixed Penalty fine. It is parents responsibility to notify the school in the event of a child’s absence. This needs to be done each day by 9.30am either in person, by telephone (01934 621954) or via email ( Recently many parents have failed to do this. If we do not receive notification as to the reason for absence your child will be recorded as having an unauthorised absence. Well done to Y3/4Ru the class with the highest attendance for March. The National target for attendance is 96.1% RM— 89.39% Y1/2 Cl—92.64% Y1/2Da—94.76% Y1/2DW—89.77% RJ—94.39% Y3/4R— 96.25% Y3/4Ru –96.53% Y3/4Bi— 91.92% Y5/6Mo—90.00% Y5/5K— 89.26% Y5/6G—92.07% Class assemblies 24th May: Mr Russell 21st June: Reception classes 22nd June: Miss Davies 28th June: Mr Morris 29th June: Mr Clements 3rd July: Mrs Derry & Miss Woodrow 5th July: Mrs Grist 6th July: Mr Rutterford 12th July: Mrs Smith Dates for the Diary Wednesday 2nd May: Y3/4 Tennis Tuesday 8th/Wednesday 9th May: Reception Farm Trip Week Beginning Monday 14th May: Y6 SATs week Friday 18th May: Y6 Weston Rocks Wednesday 23rd May: Welcome Meeting for New Reception Parents Wednesday 23rd May: Y6 Trip to Brean Leisure Park Friday 25th May: Last day of Term 5 Monday 4th June: Back to school Thursday 14th June: KS1/KS2 Rounders Event Friday 15th June: Class Photos Wednesday 27th June: Y6 Lifeskills Thursday 28th/Friday 29th June: Y6 Professor Fluffy Tuesday 3rd July: Y6 transition Day for Hans Price, Worle, Priory and Broadoak Secondary Schools. Friday 6th July: Walliscote Summer Fayre Wednesday 11th July: Y6 Production (times to be confirmed.) Wednesday 11th July: Reception/Key Stage 1 Picnic on the Beach Friday 13th July: Reports out to Parents Thursday 19th July: Y6 Leavers Event (more information to follow) Friday 20th July: Last day of term (INSET days Monday 23rd and Tuesday 24th July) Tuesday 4th September: First day back for children (Monday 3rd September INSET day) Together at Walliscote Primary School, we challenge children to be high achieving learners, inspired by a creative, aspirational curriculum in an inclusive, safe and caring community.
Walliscote Primary School March 2018
Dear Parents / Carers I hope you have recovered from the travel chaos from the recent snow days. Personally, it was great going out with my dog and seeing so many families enjoying themselves playing in the snow. For many of us this was an unexpected treat, spending quality time with our families and for some of our children this was the first time they have experienced snowy conditions. Terms 3 and 4 have been busy ones for both staff and pupils. The pupils as always have been a pleasure to teach and I am always impressed by their enthusiasm and behaviour for learning. All staff from the MAT schools get together to share, collaborate and find new and exciting ways to engage our pupils with their learning. We are very excited to see Mead Vale joining our MAT and look forward to a bigger MAT family. The wider team are in the planning stages of joining our pupils together to experience new learning opportunities, building on our pervious successful 'Big Day Out' at the Tropicana. February saw our first school review as part of the Extend Learning Academies network and our school continues to grow upwards and onwards. I am delighted to say that The MAT Trust Board and Local Governing Body have asked me to stay on as Acting Head until 2019 and I have accepted wholeheartedly. My first two terms here at Walliscote have been eventful but extremely rewarding and I am delighted to be able to continue our journey with the amazing team at Walliscote Primary School. We are looking to appoint a permanent Deputy Headteacher to fill the role left by Mr Nicholaides when he moved to be Headteacher at Mead Vale. This is an exciting opportunity to extend our already highly skilled leadership team and I am looking forward to showing off this great school to prospective candidates. The end of term is almost upon us, so I want to wish you and your families a happy and healthy Easter. School finishes on Friday 23rd March and we start back on Monday 9th April. Mrs Gail Matter Acting Headteacher Uniform: We believe that the wearing of school uniform encourages children to take pride in their appearance and gives them a sense of belonging to Walliscote Primary School. We feel that the children's appearance will help encourage high standards of behaviour and personal achievement. Also, every child must have a PE kit in school. Please note that all jewellery is not permitted during PE or Swimming. Children will need to have earrings and any other jewellery removed before these classes. Please note we have had a new delivery of sweatshirts to school. If you wish to make a purchase please bring the correct money (£10.50 for all children’s sizes and £11.50 for Small or Medium adult sizes) to the school office but we request that you avoid the busiest time when we are getting children into school at the beginning of the day. Farewell: We say a sad farewell to Mrs Jill Frost who will be leaving Walliscote Primary in April. Jill has been an integral part of the office team here at Walliscote and will be greatly missed by all of us. I am sure you will join me in wishing her all the very best in her future. Nut free school: Please can we remind you that we are a nut free school as we have children and staff with severe nut allergies. Calling all parents: We are looking for support in getting a child to school who lives around the Marine Lake area. If you feel you could help, for example walking to school together, please could you get in touch. Sports Clubs: Please see below for the new Sports Club timetable for terms 5 and 6. Look out for the individual letters which will be coming out in the new term giving more information and details of how to register your child. Remember places are limited and will be offered on a first come first served basis. At the “Meet the Headteacher session parents said that they wanted more After School opportunities for Key Stage 1 children. We have listened and introduced a Multi Skills Club for children in Years 1 and 2. If it is popular, we can look at further sessions from September. Parking : North Somerset Council have given us the use of the car park in Carlton Street for 15 minutes at the beginning and end of the school day. If you would like to use the car park please come and collect a compliment slip from the school office. We ask that parents and carers are considerate and respectful to our neighbours and there is no need for anyone to use their forecourts and driveways. School Meals: We are pleased to announce that from Monday 9th April 2018, a new company, Chartwells, will be providing our school lunches. The cost of a meal will be less expensive at £2.00 per day/ £10.00 per week. A separate letter will be coming out with a copy of the new menu. Attendance and Term-Time Holidays: Walliscote is a good school (OFSTED 2014) and we recognise the importance of regular attendance as a key factor in our pupils’ achievement. It is therefore essential that parents work in partnership with the school and understand that term time holidays have a detrimental effect on their children’s education. A child with 90% attendance at the end of the school year will have missed ½ a day per week and that is equivalent to 4 weeks absence. Greater attention is now paid to overall absence by the Department for Education and by OFSTED. Therefore we do not authorise any term time absences for holidays and will only authorise an absence in exceptional circumstances. All such unauthorised absences will be referred to the Local Authority Education Welfare Department for issue of a Fixed Penalty fine. It is parents responsibility to notify the school in the event of a child’s absence. This needs to be done each day by 9.30am either in person, by telephone (01934 624868) or via email ( Recently many parents have failed to do this. If we do not receive notification as to the reason for absence your child will be recorded as having an unauthorised absence. Well done to Y5/6K the class with the highest attendance for February. Y1/2 Cl—92.72% Y1/2Da—92.18% Y1/2DW—90.92% RM— 93.81% Y3/4R— 91.74% Y3/4Ru –94.17% Y3/4Bi— 94.74% RJ—92.90% Y5/6Mo—93.45% Y5/5K— 96.09% Y5/6G—93.68% Dates for the Diary Monday 9th April: Term 5 starts Monday 23rd April: Parents Evening 1.30pm—5.30 pm Wednesday 25th April: Parents Evening 3.30—6.00pm Please see attached letter and reply slip Tuesday 24th April: Class 2DW visit to Pizza Express Week Beginning Monday 14th May: Y6 SATs week Wednesday 23rd May: Welcome Meeting for New Reception Parents Friday 15th June: Class Photos Wednesday 27th June: Y6 Lifeskills Thursday 28th/Friday 29th June: Y6 Professor Fluffy Tuesday 3rd July: Y6 transition Day for Hans Price, Worle, Priory and Broadoak Secondary Schools. Together at Walliscote Primary School, we challenge children to be high achieving learners, inspired by a creative, aspirational curriculum in an inclusive, safe and caring community.